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How to Become Our PMU Model

Sometime we recruit models for our training class or some promotional event. Below are requirements for our model call.


  1. Must be 18 or older.

  2. Must have virgin brows without existing PMU.

  3. Must not be pregnant or breastfeeding.

  4. Must not be on Vitamin A for the past 3 months

  5. Must submit the Model Call Pre-Screening Survey


Students from our training class may perform a PMU on a model and all procedures will be supervised by our certified PMU trainer staff real-time.


Submit the following to apply for our model role. We will screen all applications and select individuals will be contacted by our staff with further instructions to make your model experience great.

  1. Three headshot selfies: one front, one slightly right, one slightly left

    • No makeup

    • No blurs in the image

  2. Complete the model call Pre-Screening Survey




Permanent makeup is a two step procedure. Initial session followed by a touch-up session in 4 - 6 weeks of time. Please see our PMU process here (link).


  • Select models will receive our initial session for free ($400 - $450 value).

  • There won't be a complimentary touch-up in 4 - 6 weeks, and any touch-up sessions will be a paid service (30% of the catalog price, typically $200 - $250).


The value of our model role is to cover the initial session by us and responsible only for the touch-up. Overall our PMU service will be provided at 70% discount.



  • Deposit of $200 must be paid by deadline communicated in the model acceptance notification. Non-payment will automatically disqualify your model application.

  • On your actual model day for your initial session, we will return your deposit of $200 back to you.

  • Payment types: Credit/debit cards only. Our online booking system accepts all major credit/debit cards. No cash, no checks, no money orders.


Late Cancellation / No Show fees

  • Late cancellation or no show will be charged at the same rate to full service price. Please see our policy for late cancellation and no show here (link).


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